Adventures on Snes Island

Built entirely from a Soundfont by Fluidvolt called “Yoshi’s Island Soundfont”, a collection of mapped samples taken directly from the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. The tune has a “sea shanty” flair to it, with a definite vintage video game feel.
PSS-11 Funk Jam

This spotlight song features the itty-bitty Yamaha PSS-11 Portasound keyboard. This sample-based tone generator from 1986 has a “jam” section of prebuilt patterns that you can play along with. This song is based on the “Funk” jam preset and also features two PSS-11 tones: a piano/vibraphone combo and a flute. A few more layers from a couple o’ Korgs and we’re all set.
Whackin’ and Samplin’

My partner may not be a musician, but he loves percussion instruments. These “Boom Whackers”, plastic tuned percussion instruments, are among his collection. I decided to clip a lapel microphone directly to them and grab a few crisp, clear samples. With a note progression inspired by a #transanfan‘s name converted to notes, this up-tempo tune was born.