Transistor Sandwich

Christmas in Rockland

A red bobble next to a tiny evergreen tree in a field of snow

A laid-back but power rhythm leads a Vangelis-esque pulsing bass drone, accompanied by a choir synthetic and sampled voices from around the world. Add a little bit of regal horn and sparkling hand bells, and you’ve set the scene for Christmas in Rockland.

Alternative Epilogue

giant book in a field on alien planet

A happy little tune composed on a thrift store rescue, the Yamaha PSR-12 (with some modern strings at the end).

O Christmas Tree

song art for o christmas tree

Apple released a new drummers pack for the iOS version of Garageband, so I decided to give one a try with a Christmas classic.

Tinsel Time

song art for tinsel time

Here’s a little something for the holidays, a relaxed winter holidays-styled tune of orchestral instruments atop a percolating percussion loop with hints of the traditional “Jingle Bells” melody.

Christmas Cookies

song art for christmas cookies

Here’s a Christmassy tune perfect for your holiday video projects. A moderate tempo modern rhythm under sparkling bell synths and sleigh bells, occasionally sprinkled with twinkling piano and steam pops.

Pan’s Cold Steel

song art for pan's cold steel

An interesting drum loop laced with drippy-jingly foley followed by a spastic steel drum loop makes for a unique tune.

In The Now

song art for in the now

Here’s a nice laid-back track incorporating some loops from Cymatics, featuring melodies performed on the Korg i3 and VK-1 Viking Synth VST.

Bird’s Eye View

song art for bird's eye view

At 150bpm, it’s not a slow song by any means, but a moderate beat wrapped in an acidy-arp that creates a sweet groove for the melody to play around.

Colonel Pop

song art for colonel pop

This is a fairly laid-back tune with a pumpin’ bassline under piano layered with synth pads, wrapped in a percolating electronic marimba that elicits visions of a popcorn maker. Built upon a solid foundation drum loop by Looperman artist “abelouis”.

Sorry Sally Sparrow

song art for sorry sally sparrow

A laid-back composition of piano layered with whispy synth pads and cheerful bell accents wrapped in swirling arps atop steady but subdued analog drums.

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