Auto at the Disco

Here’s a tune that sandwiches a Korg i3 workstation synth into the MIDI path of a Yamaha PortaTone keyboard’s auto accompaniment function set to Disco. Throw in a bit of live piano and some melodies played on the i3 and an old Korg MS-10 analogue synth, and you end up with this happy, poppy song.
The House on 25 Yamaha Street

Two synths a decade apart: the Yamaha PSR-225 from 1998, sending its auto-accompaniment tracks to the Yamaha MM6 from 2008. In this selection, a nineties House style played through a far more modern Motif-based sound engine.
White Christmas

This “transanitized” take on the Christmas Classic was built upon the 70’s Disco auto-accompaniment preset on the Yamaha PSR-225 from 1998. Then, with the exception of drums and sax, the accompaniment parts were remapped to other synths in the TranSan studio, including the Korg i3 and Yamaha TX-81Z. band-in-a-boxauto-accompanimentChristmasholidayyamaha psr-225